Course curriculum

    1. Course Outline - What You'll Learn

    2. Getting Course Resources

    3. Installing Kustomize

    4. Local Cluster Setup - Optional

    5. Kustomize Availability in Kubectl

    1. Kustomization File - An Overview

    2. Components of the Kustomization File

    3. Transformers

    4. Generators

    5. ConfigMap Generators

    6. Secret Generator

    7. Resources

    8. Kubernetes Resource Abbreviations

    9. Namespaces

    10. Labels & Annotations

    1. Patches Overview

    2. Patches - Stretegic Merge

    3. Patches - JSON6902

    1. CRDS in Kustomize (using transformer configurations) - optional

    1. Multi-env Workflows Overview

    2. Day 1: Simple Workflows for Monoliths and Microservices

    3. Day 3: Large Microservice Applications

About this course

  • $19.99
  • 34 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content

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